- Health Care. How do I feel about it? I don't like it. From what I do know about it, we will be spending millions of dollars on public health care and will soon not be able to choose our doctors. Socialism much?
- People. What's up with people? One of my biggest pet peeves on the planet is DRAMA. Speaking of pet peeves, I just remembered when I asked my mom what a pet peeve was. Expecting it to be your favorite pet's name or something. Not quite, Natalie. Anyway. I just don't get people that eat it up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (drama, that is). And you know who I'm talking about. Everyone knows someone who thrives off of drama. But get a life! Honestly. I can't deal with people who are constantly relaying rumors to me. I don't care. I just want to live my life. (heyyy-eyyy-eyyy-eyyyy -Rihanna).
- School. SMU's tuition just went up and it is higher than Yale's. Ivy League Yale. Yes we're thinking of the same Yale. WHY?? Check out this article by my classmate Sydni.